Love Exorcism 
Fall 2023

Man Eating Lions of Tsavo 
Winter 2023, Colored Pencils 

Billy and Owen’s Children
Summer 2022, Acrylic

Sweet Disposition
Winter 2022, Acrylic

Thanking the Wolves
Winter 2022, Acrylic

Do you find this happens all the time?
Summer 2021, Acrylic

Teach a girl to fish and she’ll eat your whole pond
Summer 2020, Acrylic, 16x20

Eve tastes like prime rib 
Fall 2020, Acrylic, 4 ft x 2ft

They gave me contraception but I still had Owen’s children
Summer 2021, Acrylic

Forgive me 
Fall 2020, Acrylic, 16x20

When you ate me  
Winter 2021, Acrylic, 16x20

Drunk Portrait of Inga 
Summer 2020, Acrylic